EDI 879 - Price Information

What is the EDI 879? The EDI 879 document, also called the Price Information transaction set, includes original pricing information, changes to existing pricing information or confirmation that pricing information has been received. It is utilized within the supply chain to ensure pricing is consistent, accurate and up-to-date across all relevant systems.

EDI Documents

EDI 879 format

The EDI 879 format by SPS Commerce

Here’s a general outline of the structure for an EDI 879 document:

G93: Price bracket information

This segment specifies pricing information, including conditions that may affect the price, such as quantity breaks or promotional pricing.

N1/N4: Name/geographic location

These segments identify parties involved in the pricing transaction, such as the seller and buyer, and may include geographic location information.

REF: Reference information

Can be used to provide additional reference information like contract numbers or promotion codes related to the pricing.

DTM: Date/time reference

Specifies relevant dates and times, such as the effective date of the pricing information.

PID: Product/item description

Provides a detailed description of the items for which the pricing is being specified.

CTP: Pricing information

This segment provides the actual pricing information, including price, price type and unit of measure.

How is the EDI 879 used?

Transmission of pricing information:
The primary use of the EDI 879 is to communicate detailed pricing information, including any changes to existing prices between suppliers and retailers or other trading partners.
Updates and changes:
Utilized to update trading partners about new pricing, discounts, promotions or changes to existing pricing structures to ensure that all parties have the latest information.
Confirmation of received pricing:
In some cases, this can be used to confirm that pricing information sent from a supplier has been received and understood by the retailer or buyer.
Efficiency in communication:
EDI 879 uses a standardized format, which allows for the efficient and accurate transmission of complex pricing information without the need for manual data entry or the potential for miscommunication through more traditional communication methods.

Benefits of using an EDI 879 Price Information

Pricing details are important to retailers and suppliers alike. This transaction supports this trading relationship by providing an automated process for pricing setup and maintenance. Brokers and reclamation centers may also receive this information.

Sellers, or their brokers, can more confidently send details retailed to price protection conditions and identify geographic price areas with new or changed pricing. It also clearly communicates to the buyer if bracket pricing applies based on order volumes, packaging or other parameters. By automating the EDI 879, this information is shared in a consistent and traceable manner.

Trading partners benefit by using the EDI Pricing Information to:


Communicate pricing for new items or changes to existing pricing


Reduce invoice deductions and ease the invoice matching process


Convey pricing parameters and freight charges to buyers


Provide comprehensive pricing information in a single transaction to refresh the retailer’s file

The EDI 879 is used only by the UCS guidelines and offers a simplified process for price management. Retailers in general merchandise, healthcare and industrial products will more often use the EDI 832 Price/Sales Catalog to exchange pricing information.

Common issues regarding EDI 879

From item setup to ongoing updates and changes to products over time, one thing is certain: pricing will not remain the same. Automating the communication of pricing details at all stages is a best practice that prevent delays in the invoicing stage and eases item setup. Instead of submitting price changes via phone or email, EDI ensures that all the necessary data is included and that the changes reach the retailer.

Item Setup

Is the pricing for the new item correct? Has it been provided by the seller?

Pricing Conditions

How many items or pallets need to be ordered to meet the pricing parameter?

Invoice Matching

Why does the pricing on the invoice and in the pricing system differ? Which one is correct?

Automate 879 Price Information with Full-Service EDI

The automated approach uses EDI to share details easily and completely. SPS Commerce helps trading partners by setting up this transaction on their behalf so that they can make the most of their time. SPS Commerce is a full-service provider of EDI and other solutions. We have the reliable EDI technology and experts to manage day-to-day EDI operations with retailers, making the EDI 879 easy to send whenever pricing changes.

SPS has EDI and retail experts ready to respond to any EDI concerns and see that your pricing updates flow seamlessly to your retailers.Our full-service approach gives you more time back in your day to focus on other initiatives. Our in-house teams monitor your EDI flow, but that’s just the beginning.

We manage every step from document setup to testing, ensuring a smooth flow of information. If an issue is uncovered, we’ll do the work to make to right. SPS Commerce Fulfillment proactively automates your EDI and other data transactions, such as APIs. With SPS managing your EDI operations, imagine all the other activities you could address?

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