EDI 301 - Booking Confirmation (Ocean)

What is the EDI 301? The EDI 301, also known as the Confirmation of Booking, is used as confirmation from the carrier to the shipper that a booking has been made for the transport of goods by sea. It includes details about the shipment that align with the shipper’s original request and may provide additional information regarding the booking. The EDI 301 is used by an ocean carrier to respond to the EDI 300 (reservations booking).

EDI Documents

The EDI 301 format

The EDI 301 transaction set is crucial for ensuring that all parties involved in an ocean shipment are aligned on the details of the transport arrangement. It helps in confirming the booking details, preparing for cargo loading and planning logistics operations.

The EDI 301 format by SPS Commerce

Here’s a simplified outline of the EDI 301 transaction set format and its key components:

Date/time reference:

Indicates relevant dates and times for the shipment, such as estimated departure and arrival times.

Reference identification:

Provides various reference numbers or identifiers related to the booking, including the original booking request number and the bill of lading number.

Transportation carrier details:

This provides information about the transportation carrier, including carrier codes and vessel identification.

Routing information:

Details the intended route for the shipment, including origin and destination ports, and any transshipment points.

Equipment details:

Specifies the type and quantity of equipment allocated for the shipment, such as container sizes and numbers.

Party identification:

Identifies parties involved in the shipment, including the shipper, consignee and notify party.

Commodity information:

Describes the goods in the shipment, including commodity codes, descriptions and quantities.

Terms of sale/shipment:

Details terms related to the shipment, including payment terms and any special agreements or instructions.

How is the EDI 301 used?

The EDI 301 is utilized by carriers to provide shippers (or their agents) with confirmation of the booking details. This transaction set facilitates clear communication between carriers and shippers regarding the specifics of a shipment’s booking, ensuring that all parties have accurate and up-to-date information.

This includes:

Confirmation of space and equipment reservation:
Ensures that space on a vessel and the necessary equipment (e.g., containers) have been reserved according to the shipper’s request.
Sailing schedules:
Provides details about the vessel’s estimated departure and arrival times, which helps in planning the logistics operations.
Routing information:
Confirms the planned route for the shipment, including any transshipment points.
Terms and conditions:
Communicates the terms of the shipping agreement, including any special instructions or requirements.

Benefits of using a 301 Booking Confirmation (Ocean)

The EDI 301 transaction set offers significant benefits to the supply chain, contributing to more efficient, reliable and coordinated transportation operations:


Improved planning and coordination:

With confirmed booking details, shippers can better plan their logistics operations, including the scheduling of inland transportation to and from ports. This leads to more efficient use of resources and reduced waiting times.

Enhanced visibility:

Confirmed bookings provide visibility into the status of shipments before they depart, allowing shippers and consignees to track their cargo more effectively and plan accordingly.

Increased reliability:

By securing space and equipment, the EDI 301 reduces the risk of delays and disruptions, contributing to more reliable supply chain operations. This reliability is crucial for maintaining inventory levels and meeting customer expectations.

Cost management:

Efficient planning and coordination, enabled by the EDI 301, can lead to cost savings by minimizing demurrage charges, reducing storage costs at ports and optimizing the use of transportation resources.

Strategic supply chain management:

The data and insights provided by the EDI 301 can be used for strategic decision-making, such as selecting carriers based on their reliability and efficiency, optimizing shipping routes and managing lead times.

Common issues regarding EDI 301

Customs declaration information

The ability to accommodate this information varies depending on which line item details are listed.

Hazardous goods

The EDI 301 document does not support hazardous goods measurements like netweight, net volume, radioactivity and concentration of acid.


Every container/commodity can only have one ship from, ship to, intermediate export stop off location and requested empty container pick up location.

Automate 301 Booking Confirmation (Ocean) with Full-Service EDI from SPS Commerce

Managing ongoing EDI tasks can be complex and time-consuming. Full-service EDI providers like SPS Commerce deliver EDI technology and associated staffing resources responsible for customizing, optimizing and operating your EDI solution.

A full-service provider, like SPS Commerce, has an expert team that handles ongoing management of your EDI solution. The SPS team actively manages 9,000 changes from retailers each year.

SPS communicates directly with your trading partners to manage connectivity, setup, requirements, updates and support efforts. SPS also takes ownership of understanding your trading partner requirements and making map changes.

SPS Fulfillment proactively monitors and optimizes your solution to prevent errors and minimize data entry.

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