感谢您选择 SPS Commerce!点击表示接受的方框、使用 SPS 产品或服务或签署向客户销售 SPS 的产品和服务的书面文件,即表示客户及其关联公司同意受本通用条款和条件(以下简称“条款”)的约束。请仔细审阅下列条款。

1. 总则

1.1 本条款适用于客户(以下简称“客户”、“您”)对 SPS 产品和服务(以下简称“产品”和/或“服务”)的访问和使用。本条款与客户签署的向客户销售 SPS 产品或服务的任何文件(如范围及方案或报价)(若有)共同构成客户与 SPS 之间的完整协议(以下简称“协议”)。若本条款与任何此类文件存在冲突,则应以文件中的适用条款为准。在本条款中,SPS Commerce, Inc 被简称为“SPS”。

1.2 SPS 有权随时更改本条款。SPS 通过网址 https://www.spscommerce.com/terms-and-conditions发布更改之日即为该等更改生效之日。

2. SPS 产品和服务

2.1 关于产品和服务的描述,详见 SPS 向顾客提供的产品和服务的文件。 SPS 将根据 SPS 的服务级别和升级流程提供服务,关于该流程的描述,详见https://www.spscommerce.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Service-Levels-and-Escalation-Process-05-18-2015.pdf

2.2 所有产品和服务,包括但不限于所有著作权、商标、布线图纸、图片和其他要素(统称为“内容”),均受 SPS 或授权许可 SPS 或将其材料提供给 SPS 的实体拥有和控制的知识产权保护。客户不得删除任何所有权、保密性或知识产权方面的通知。

2.3 SPS 承诺的任务、时间线、数据类型、数量和/或价格均基于客户的陈述和描述。若 SPS 认为陈述和描述与提供产品或服务时发现的情况存在实质性不同,则需进行实质性变更。如果发生实质性变更,SPS 保留调整任务、时间线、数据类型、数量和价格的权利。对时间线或价格的任何更改均应取得客户的批准,客户不得无故拒绝批准。

3. 产品和服务的使用

3.1 只要客户保持遵守本条款之要求,SPS 授予客户有限、不可转让、非独占、可撤销的权利和许可,供其访问和使用产品和/或服务、SPS 作为产品和/或服务的一部分向客户提供的任何数据或报告以及其相关文档,该权利或许可仅用于客户自身内部业务目的。客户授权 SPS 访问、收集、更改、处理、转让或以其他方式使用(处理)客户向 SPS 传输的数据(数据),以提供服务或创建关于使用 SPS 网络的匿名报告。

3.2 客户同意仅将产品和/或服务用于其计划的用途。客户不得(i)将产品或服务用于外包或服务机构目的;(ii)反编译、逆向工程、更改、改编、翻译、准备衍生作品、反汇编或试图发现产品或服务的源代码,亦不得允许其他人进行前述行为;或(iii)“复制”产品或服务。客户必须遵守所有适用法律和法规。

3.3 客户陈述并保证:(i)客户已收到收集数据和向 SPS 提供数据所需的同意,且客户没有理由相信客户不能这么做,(ii)客户仅向 SPS 传输 SPS 向客户提供服务所需的数据,(iii)数据不含信用卡或借记卡信息,以及(iv)数据或客户对数据的传输不违反(a)客户对任何第三方的义务,(b)任何第三方的知识产权,或(c)任何法律或法规。

3.4 客户同意向 SPS 提供(i)SPS 以 SPS 合理规定的形式向客户提供服务所需的一切信息和数据,(ii)实施服务所需的合理帮助,以及(iii)提供关于客户使用产品或服务方面的信息的权限。客户承认,客户的任何延迟将直接影响 SPS 实施产品和/或服务的能力。

3.5 客户同意采用商业上合理的努力来防止:(i)通过客户帐户开展的可能会对其他用户使用产品或服务或 SPS 管理产品或服务的能力产生负面影响的活动;或(ii)客户的用户冒充任何其他人员或实体,或错误陈述客户与任何其他个人或实体的联营关系。

3.6 在有些情况下,可以将客户融合入 SPS 的全球网络。SPS 的成功整合依赖于客户及其第三方提供商的全面配合。如有以下情形,SPS 将停止整合客户或其第三方提供商:(i)客户或其第三方提供商不能响应 SPS 的合理请求;(ii)客户向 SPS 提出书面通知,表示无需完成整合服务;或(iii)十二(12)个月之后,如果客户未向 SPS 表示 SPS 应继续整合客户。

3.7 对产品或服务的访问,可能采用密码控制,仅对注册用户开放。客户负责维护客户帐户信息的保密性,包括但不限于客户的用户名和密码。客户同意立即通知 SPS 任何实际或疑似未经授权披露或使用客户用户名、密码或帐户的行为,或任何其他违反安全的行为,或如果前述用户名、密码或帐户并非由客户使用。

3.8 客户对客户帐户内发生的一切活动全权负责,不论该等活动是否经客户授权,或由代表客户的第三方开展。

3.9 如果 SPS 认为客户违反第 3 条的行为对 SPS、SPS 的客户或供应商或其他用户构成危害或破坏,SPS 可撤销任何权利或许可,暂停提供 SPS 的产品和/或服务,或终止本协议。

4. 保密信息

4.1 “保密信息”系指一方从另一方获取的任何非公开信息,不论是否被指定或标记为保密信息,但不包括提供时已公开或之后因一方违反本协议以外的原因而公开的任何信息。协议双方同意保密信息不包括符合以下情形的、无论如何标记的任何信息或其他数据:(i)在未违反本条款的情况下已经公开或公开,(ii)一方从能够进行披露且无保密义务的另一来源收到,或(iii)一方在未使用保密信息的情况下独立开发。

4.2 各方同意(i)对另一方的任何保密信息严格保密,(ii)除履行本协议和与另一方或客户的贸易伙伴签订的任何相关协议外,不利用另一方的任何保密信息,(iii)仅将另一方的保密信息披露给需要此类材料或信息的员工,以及(iv)任何时候不得将另一方的保密信息披露给任何第三方,本协议或协议双方签订的任何其他协议具体规定的情形除外。本条项下的保密义务在本协议终止之后五(5)年内继续有效;但只要根据适用法律之规定,此类信息一直属于行业机密,则与该行业机密相关的保密义务应永久有效。双方应采取商业上合理的努力防止其员工使用或向任何未经授权的第三方披露保密信息。就本条而言,各方的“员工”应视为包括该方的授权代理和分包商。若任何一方(因法律、法庭、行政程序或类似流程)必须披露另一方(“被强制方”)的保密信息的,应通知另一方此类请求,并协助申请保护令或其他相关救济措施,费用由被强制方自行承担。若无保护令,被强制方只能披露保密信息中法律要求披露的部分。

5. 数据安全

5.1 SPS 应采用商业上合理的努力采取并维护旨在防止未经授权或非法访问、使用或删除数据的行业标准行政、技术和物理保护措施。就 SPS 采取的保护措施而言,其严格程度不得低于 SPS 为其自身类似性质的数据采取的措施的严格程度。

5.2 5.2 客户向使用本服务的客户的贸易伙伴传输的数据为客户所有。SPS 及其分包商和关联公司不得对客户数据宣称任何留置权或其他产权。

6. 支付

6.1 若适用,客户同意在客户签署向客户销售 SPS 产品和服务的书面文件之后支付预付款,以及自签署日期起支付月度费用。所有费用均在开具收据后到期应付。
SPS 向客户发出书面通知后可以变更费用。

6.2 客户必须向 SPS 提供有效的支付信息,包括但不限于客户完整、准确的开票信息。如果信息出现任何变更,客户同意在变更后三十(30)日内进行更新。如果采用非电子支付方式支付,客户应支付 15 美元的非电子支付手续费。

6.3 客户将负责所有销售、使用或营业税,具体由政府税收机构进行评估。客户不负责仅基于 SPS 净收入的税收。

6.4 如需调整或扣减金额,客户必须在自开具发票之日起十五(15)日内联系 SPS。未支付发票的余额超过三十(30)天的,视为逾期。所有逾期发票按每月 1 ½ % 或法律要求的较低利率计算利息。客户应支付所有托收费用,包括 SPS 尝试托收客户逾期金额时所产生的合理的律师费。

6.5 客户余额出现逾期的,SPS 可限制客户接受的服务、暂停客户访问产品和/或服务的权限,或终止协议。客户继续收到任何暂停期间的服务发票。所有逾期金额结清并支付 100 美元重新激活费用后,可完全恢复服务。

7. 保证

7.1 SPS 陈述并保证,SPS 将以熟练且合理勤勉的方式提供所有服务,并符合行业普遍接受的专业服务标准。本保证替代所有其他明示或默示的保证,且 SPS 未作出包括适销性、不侵权、数据准确性、平静受益权或适合特定用途在内的任何其他类型的保证。客户应负责采取适当的预防措施,防止因产品或服务缺陷、错误、中断或故障对其运营造成损害。

7.2 若因 SPS 单方面疏忽导致数据丢失、被销毁或受损(“损失”),且 SPS 在发生损失后六十(60)天内收到客户关于此类损失的通知,则 SPS 的责任和客户的唯一救济应为,SPS 应仅最大合理的可能(i)从 SPS 档案中恢复数据,或(ii)向客户提供与传输丢失数据相关的费用抵免。上述规定的救济方式是任何违反保证行为的唯一救济。

8. 赔偿

8.1 若 SPS 提供以及向客户销售的任何产品或服务因违反美国著作权或专利而遭受任何第三方索赔,且此类第三方索赔与 SPS 的产品或服务直接相关,SPS 应在自行决定和独自承担费用的情况下选择以下任何措施:(i)作出使产品或服务不侵权的更改;(ii)通过使客户获得继续使用产品或服务的权利解决该等索赔;或(iii)在此类索赔中为客户提供辩护。为避免疑义,索赔应理解为,如果索赔的实质与 SPS 的产品或服务相关,则该索赔与 SPS 的产品或服务直接相关。如果 SPS 决定为客户提供索赔辩护,SPS 将向客户支付因法院最终裁决而对客户带来的任何实际损失,但客户应及时书面通知 SPS 进行妥善辩护所需的一切事实和情况,授予 SPS 对索赔辩护的唯一控制权,且客户在辩护过程中全面配合 SPS。对于未经 SPS 书面同意而达成的任何和解, SPS 概不负责。如果 SPS 认为前述任何选项对 SPS 而言均不合理,SPS 可停止销售产品或服务。

8.2 有以下情形的,SPS 对任何专利或著作权侵权索赔概不负责:(i)产品或服务未用于计划用途的;(ii)对产品或服务作出的更改或变更未经 SPS 授权的;(iii)产品或服务与客户选择或供应的其他产品配合使用的;(iv)SPS 符合客户指定的设计、材料使用或规格的;(v)SPS 通知停止使用此类产品后,客户仍然使用产品或服务的;或(vi)客户使用的产品或服务并非最新或目前支持的产品或服务版本的。若出现上述(i)-(vi)项,客户应就任何著作权或专利侵权索赔作出辩护、赔偿,并确保 SPS 不受损失。

8.3 前述条款陈述了 SPS 因任何专利、著作权、行业机密或其他任何知识产权侵权而产生或与之相关的全部责任。

9. 责任限制

在任何情况下,协议任何一方或其任何高级职员、董事、员工、代理或分包商均不对任何间接、特殊、偶然、后果性损失(包括但不限于退单拒付、使用权的丧失或业务、收入、利润或商誉损失),或根据任何侵权理论、合同、严格责任或疏忽,因向客户提供的任何服务而造成的或与之相关的其他损失,即使该方或其高级职员、董事、员工、代理或分包商已被告知、知晓或应该知晓存在发生此类损失的可能性。本责任显示不包括因第 8 条中描述的 SPS 的义务而产生的索赔。

10. 期限与终止

10.1 本条款自客户通过使用 SPS 的产品或服务表示接受条款之日、签署向客户销售 SPS 的产品和服务的书面文件之日或勾选表示客户接受的方框之日起生效,以三者中最先发生的日期为准(“生效日期”)。本条款在客户或 SPS 终止之前完全有效。客户必须支付终止之前应付的费用。

10.2 除非向客户销售 SPS 的产品和服务的书面文件中明确规定终止的方法或不更新条款,否则客户或 SPS 任何一方均可提前三十(30)天书面通知另一方终止本协议和/或服务的任何部分。协议终止后,客户的一切权利和许可将同时到期。

11. 其他事项

11.1 如果本条款的任何部分无效,则该无效部分不得影响本条款其他部分的效力。因其性质应在本条款终止后继续有效的任何规定,应继续有效。此类规定包括但不限于涉及所有权、保证和免责声明、准据法、支付款项和终止的规定。

11.2 双方可将其义务委托给分包商、子公司、管理公司或母公司,但其应对其义务继续负责。未经另一方面书面批准,任何一方均不得转让本协议,与出售提供或接收产品或服务的企业的绝大部分股票或资产相关的情况除外。

11.3 除支付款项的义务外,任何一方均不对其因超出其合理可控制的因素导致其不能履约的情形负责,此类因素包括但不限于互联网断网、停电或不可抗力。

11.4 客户或 SPS 任何一方未能或延迟行使任何权利、权力、特权或救济,并不构成对该权利、权力、特权或救济的放弃。本条款受澳大利亚新南威尔士州法律和澳大利亚联邦适用法律管辖,并据其进行解释。因本协议产生或与之相关的任何诉讼的专属管辖权和审判地首先为新南威尔士州,上诉管辖权和审判地为澳大利亚联邦。

11.5 居住在加拿大的客户应受《加拿大通用条款和条件》的约束。居住在亚太地区的客户应受《澳大利亚通用条款和条件》的约束。所有其他客户则同意受本通用条款的约束。

Thank you for choosing SPS Commerce! By clicking a box indicating acceptance, by using SPS’s Products or Services, or by signing a written document offering SPS’s Products and Services to Customer, Customer and its affiliates agree to be bound by these General Terms & Conditions (“Terms”). Please review them carefully.

1. General

1.1 These Terms govern Customer’s (“Customer”, “You”, “Your”) access to and use of SPS’s products and services (“Products” and/or “Services”). These Terms, together with any documents offering SPS’s Products or Services to Customer signed by Customer (such as a Scope & Proposal or Quote), if any, constitute the full agreement between Customer and SPS (“Agreement”). In the event of a conflict between these Terms and any such document(s), the applicable terms in the document(s) shall control. In these Terms, SPS Commerce, Inc., shall be referred to as “SPS.”

1.2 SPS may modify the Terms at any time. SPS’s modifications will take effect on the date the modifications are posted online at: http://www.spscommerce.com/terms-and-conditions.

2. SPS Products and Services

2.1 The Products and Services are described online at http://www.spscommerce.com/terms-and-conditions/product-descriptions/. SPS will provide the Services in accordance with SPS’s Service Levels and Escalation Process, which are described online at www.spscommerce.com/servicesandtech/terms-and-conditions.html.

2.2 All Products and Services, including, without limitation, all copyrights, trademarks, artwork, images, and other elements (collectively, the “Content”), are protected by intellectual property rights owned and controlled by SPS or by entities that have licensed or otherwise provided their material to SPS. Customer shall not delete any proprietary, confidential, or intellectual property rights notices.

2.3 Tasks, timelines, data types, volumes, and/or pricing committed to by SPS are based upon Customer’s representations and descriptions. In the event SPS determines that the representations and descriptions are materially different than those found when providing the Products or Services, a Material Change will have occurred. SPS reserves the right to adjust the tasks, timelines, data types, volumes, and pricing if a Material Change occurs. Any changes to timelines or pricing will be subject to Customer’s approval, which may not be unreasonably withheld.

3. Use of the Products and Services

3.1 For so long as Customer remains in compliance with these Terms, SPS grants Customer a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable right and license to access and use the Products and/or Services, any data or reports SPS provides or makes available to Customer as part of the Products and/or Services, and their associated documentation, solely for Customer’s own internal business purposes. Customer authorizes SPS to access, collect, modify, process, transfer, or otherwise use (Process) data transmitted by Customer to SPS (Data) to provide the Services or create anonymized reports on the use of SPS’s network.

3.2 Customer agrees to use the Products and/or Services only for their intended purposes. Customer may not (i) use the Products or Services for outsourcing or service bureau purposes; (ii) decompile, reverse engineer, modify, adapt, translate, prepare derivative works, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Products or Services, nor allow others to do so; or (iii) “mirror” the Products or Services. Customer must abide by all applicable laws and regulations.

3.3 Customer represents and warrants that (i) Customer has received the consent necessary to collect and provide the Data to SPS, and that Customer has no reason to believe Customer may not do so, (ii) Customer is only transmitting Data to SPS which is necessary for SPS to provide Services to Customer, (iii) the Data does not contain credit or debit card information and (iv) that the Data, or Customer’s transmission of the Data, does not violate (a) Customer’s obligations to any third party, (b) any third party’s intellectual property rights, or (c) any laws or regulations.

3.4 Customer agrees to provide SPS with (i) all information and Data required by SPS to provide the Services to Customer in a format reasonably specified by SPS, (ii) reasonable assistance in the implementation of the Services, and (iii) permission to provide information regarding Customer’s use of the Products or Services to third parties. Customer acknowledges that any of Customer’s delays will directly impact SPS’s ability to implement the Products and/or Services.

3.5 Customer agrees to use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent: (i) activities conducted through Customer’s Account(s) that may negatively affect other users’ use of, or SPS’s ability to manage, the Products or Services; or (ii) the impersonation of any other person or entity, or misrepresentation of Customer’s affiliation with any other person or entity, by Customer’s users.

3.6 In some cases, Customer may be integrated with SPS’s Universal Network. SPS’s successful integration relies on Customer’s and its third party providers’ full cooperation. SPS will stop integrating Customer or its third party providers if (i) Customer or its third party providers are not responsive to SPS’s reasonable requests, (ii) Customer provides written notice to SPS that the integration services do not need to be completed, or (iii) after twelve (12) months if Customer does not indicate to SPS that SPS should continue integrating Customer.

3.7 Access to the Products or Services may be password controlled and accessible to registered users only. Customer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Customer’s account information including, without limitation, Customer’s user name(s) and password(s). Customer agrees to notify SPS immediately of any actual or suspected unauthorized disclosure or use of Customer’s user name(s), password(s), or account(s), or any other breach of security, or if the foregoing are not being used by Customer.

3.8 Customer is solely responsible for all activity occurring within Customer’s account(s), regardless of whether it was authorized by Customer or made by third parties that were acting Customer’s behalf.

3.9 SPS may revoke any rights or licenses, suspend SPS’s provision of Products and/or Services, or terminate this Agreement if SPS determines that Customer’s breach of Section 3 is harmful or disruptive to SPS, SPS’s customers or vendors, or another user.

4. Confidential Information

4.1 “Confidential Information” means any non-public information that either party acquires from the other, whether or not such information is designated or marked as confidential, excluding any information that is publicly available when provided or thereafter becomes publicly available, other than by reason of that party’s breach of this Agreement. Each party agrees that Confidential Information does not include any information or other data, however marked, that: (i) is or becomes publicly available without a breach of these Terms, (ii) is received by a party from another source who can disclose it without an obligation to keep it confidential, or (iii) is independently developed by a party without the use of Confidential Information.

4.2 Each party agrees (i) to hold any Confidential Information of the other in the strictest confidence, (ii) not to make use of any Confidential Information of the other party other than for the performance of this Agreement and any related agreements with such party or with Customer’s trading partners, (iii) to release Confidential Information of the other party only to employees requiring such material or information, and (iv) not to release or disclose Confidential Information of the other party to any other party at any time, except as may be specifically agreed upon in this or any other agreement between the parties. The confidentiality obligations under this provision shall survive for a period of five (5) years after the termination of this Agreement; provided, however, that the confidentiality obligations as they relate to trade secrets shall survive for as long as such information remains a trade secret under applicable law. Each party will use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent its employees from using or disclosing Confidential Information to any unauthorized party. For purposes of this Section, “employees” of each party shall be deemed to include authorized agents and subcontractors of that party. In the event either party is required (by law, court, administrative proceeding, or similar process) to disclose any of the other party’s Confidential Information (“Compelled Party”), it shall notify the other of the request and assist in seeking a protective order or other appropriate remedy, at the Compelled Party’s own expense. In the absence of a protective order, the Compelled Party may disclose only that portion of the Confidential Information that is legally required to be disclosed.

5. Data Security

5.1 SPS shall use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain industry standard administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to prevent unauthorized or unlawful access, use, or deletion of the Data. SPS’s safeguards will be no less rigorous than those maintained by SPS for its own data of a similar nature.

5.2 Data transmitted by Customer to Customer’s trading partners using the Service is owned by Customer. SPS, its subcontractors, and its affiliates will not assert any lien or other property right against Customer’s Data.

6. Payments

6.1 If applicable, Customer agrees to pay Upfront fees upon and Monthly Fees beginning on the date Customer signs the written document offering SPS’s Products and Services to Customer. All fees are due upon receipt.

6.2 Customer must provide SPS with valid payment information including, but not limited to, Customer’s complete and accurate billing information. If any of the information changes, Customer agrees to update it within thirty (30) days of the change. Customer shall be charged a $15 non-electronic payment fee if non-electronic payments are made.

6.3 Customer will be responsible for all sales, use, or excise taxes assessed by a governmental taxing authority. Customer is not responsible for taxes based solely on SPS’s net income.

6.4 Customer must contact SPS within fifteen (15) days of the date of the invoice to be eligible for an adjustment or credit. Balances for open invoices exceeding thirty (30) days are considered past due. All past due invoices will accrue interest at the rate of 1 ½ % per month, or a lesser rate if required by law. Customer shall pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by SPS when trying to collect Customer’s past due amounts.

6.5 SPS may limit the Services Customer receives, suspend Customer’s access to the Products and/or Services, or terminate the Agreement if Customer’s balance is past due. Customer will continue to be invoiced for the Services during any period of suspension. Services will be fully resumed upon payment of the total past due balance and a reactivation fee of $100.00.

7. Warranty

7.1 SPS represents and warrants that SPS will perform all Services in a workmanlike and reasonably diligent manner, consistent with professional standards of performance generally accepted within the industry. This warranty is given in lieu of all other expressed or implied warranties, and SPS does not make any other warranties of any kind, including warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, data accuracy, quiet enjoyment, or fitness for a particular purpose. Customer is responsible for taking appropriate precautions against damages to its operations caused by defects, errors, interruptions, or malfunctions, in the Products or Services.

7.2 If the Data is lost, destroyed, or impaired (“Loss”) through the sole negligence of SPS, and SPS is notified by Customer of the Loss within sixty (60) days of the Loss, then SPS’s liability and Customer’s sole remedy shall be that SPS will either, to the extent reasonably possible, (i) restore the Data from SPS’s archives or (ii) provide Customer a credit for the charges paid in connection with the transmission of the lost Data. The remedies set forth above are the exclusive remedies for any breach of warranty.

8. Indemnification

8.1 If any Product or Service made by SPS and sold to Customer becomes subject to a third party claim of infringement of any United States copyright or patent, and such third party claim directly relates to SPS’s Products or Services, SPS shall, at its option and expense, either: (i) modify it to make it non-infringing; (ii) settle such claim by procuring for Customer the right to continue using the Product or Service; or (iii) defend Customer against such claim. For the avoidance of doubt, a Claim will be understood to directly relate to SPS’s Products or Services if the essence of the Claim relates to SPS’s Products or Services. If SPS elects to defend Customer against such claim, SPS will pay Customer for any damages actually incurred which are awarded by a court of final jurisdiction, provided Customer gives SPS prompt written notice of all facts and circumstances necessary or desirable for a proper defense of the same, SPS is given sole control over the defense of such claim, and Customer cooperates fully with SPS in the defense of such claim. SPS shall not be responsible for any settlement made without SPS’s written consent. If, in SPS’s opinion, none of the foregoing alternatives are reasonably available to SPS, then SPS may discontinue the sale of the Product or Service.

8.2 SPS shall have no liability for any claim of patent or copyright infringement that is based upon: (i) use of the Product or Service in a manner other than for which it was intended; (ii) modifications or changes made to the Product or Service which were not authorized by SPS; (iii) operation of the Product or Service in combination with other products selected or supplied by Customer; (iv) SPS’s compliance with Customer’s designated designs, material usage or specifications; (v) Customer’s use of the Product or Service after notification by SPS to discontinue use of such product; or (vi) Customer’s use of the Product or Service that is not the latest or current supported version of the Product or Service. In the case of (i) – (vi) above, Customer shall defend, indemnify, and hold SPS harmless against any claim of infringement of any copyright or patent.

8.3 The foregoing states SPS’s full liability arising out of or related to infringement of any patent, copyright, trade secret, or other intellectual property right.

9. Limitation of Liability.


10. Term and Termination

10.1 These Terms are effective as of the date Customer indicates acceptance by using SPS’s Products or Services, signing a written document offering SPS’s Products and Services to Customer, or checking a box indicating Customer’s acceptance, whichever is first to occur (“Effective Date”). It shall remain in full force and effect until it is terminated by Customer or SPS. Customer must pay fees due prior to termination.

10.2 Unless a method for termination or non-renewal is expressly stated in the written document offering SPS’s Products and Services to Customer, either Customer or SPS may terminate the Agreement, and/or any portion of the Services, with thirty (30) days’ prior written notice. All of Customer’s rights and licenses shall expire upon termination of the Agreement.

11. Miscellaneous

11.1 If any portion of the Terms are held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of the Terms. Any provisions that by their nature should survive termination of the Terms, shall survive. Such provisions include, but are not limited to, those concerning proprietary rights, disclaimers of warranty and liability, governing law, payments, and termination.

11.2 Both parties may delegate their duties to subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, or parent companies, provided it remains liable for its duties. Neither party may assign the Agreement without the other’s prior written approval, except in connection with the sale of significantly all of the stocks or assets of the business providing or receiving the Products or Services.

11.3 Other than the obligation to make payments, neither party will be liable for its inability to perform to the extent that such inability or failure was caused by factors beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, internet unavailability, power failures, or acts of God.

11.4 Failure or delay by either Customer or SPS to exercise any right, power, privilege, or remedy will not constitute a waiver of that right, power, privilege, or remedy. The Terms shall be governed and construed according to the laws of the state of Minnesota, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be in the federal or state courts located in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

11.5 Customer’s domiciled in Canada are subject to “General Terms & Conditions – Canada.” Customers domiciled in the Asia or Pacific region are subject to “General Terms & Conditions – Australia.” All other customers agree to be subject to these General Terms & Conditions.